Chick Habit Party – It’s my business

On November 24, French grooviness will descend upon Amsterdam in a big way. Recent news reveals that Peppermoon will be giving an acoustic performance to kick off the evening’s Filles Fragiles CD launch. The liner notes contain a text by Dutch writer Ronald Giphart, which I was asked to translate into English. He coined the Dutch neologism ‘zuchtmeisje’ (a girl that makes you sigh), which I translated as ‘girl to sigh for’. It could be misread as a girl that sighs, and so I did have to think about it.
Not only will I be DJing alongside Guuzbourg, the French fan of Bossa Boogie, who will be letting out his inner unshaven, chain-smoking Gallic twin, but the famous Martin Hemmel, resident DJ of Munich’s Atomic Cafe will be making his first Amsterdam appearance!
So this may all sound like night time fun, but it is business! Think of me next time you need anything French and cool for a product launch, a company party – you name it, I take requests.